August 11, 2022


The federal Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) became law on August 16, 2022. It provides a major boost to electric vehicles and to the clean electricity that will power them. It's further evidence that our leaders understand that moving beyond gasoline is key to meeting our environmental challenges and improving Americans' quality of life. 
July 31, 2022

July 2022 Gasoline Phaseout News

Los Angeles City Councilmember Paul Koretz made big news this month when he proposed prohibiting the construction of new gas stations in the city. The Los Angeles Times Editorial Board questioned the proposal, asserting that a prohibition “would have little real effect [on the climate] and should not be a top priority of city leaders.”
June 30, 2022

June 2022 Gasoline Phaseout News

To meet today’s economic, political and climate crises, we must sharply reduce demand for gasoline. Coltura outlined its strategy for rapidly and equitably reducing gasoline consumption in an article, “Towards a National Strategy to Cut Gasoline Use,” published last month in the Georgetown Journal of International Affairs.
June 29, 2022


To meet today’s economic, political and climate crises, we must sharply reduce demand for gasoline. Coltura outlined its strategy for rapidly and equitably reducing gasoline consumption in an article, “Towards a National Strategy to Cut Gasoline Use,” published last month in the Georgetown Journal of International Affairs.
June 8, 2022


Coltura’s Gasoline Superusers report identified millions of lower-income families who use more than 100 gallons of gasoline per month who are struggling under the burden of today’s high gas prices. Many of these families live long distances from their workplaces or drive many miles as part of their jobs. The recent rise in gas prices is causing these families to spend upwards of $600 per month on gasoline, which can be more than one-third of their household income after taxes, rent, and food. High gas prices, and the impacts they entail, are likely to persist for years.
May 31, 2022

May 2022 Gasoline Phaseout News

Coltura’s Gasoline Superusers report identified millions of lower-income families who use more than 100 gallons of gasoline per month who are struggling under the burden of today’s high gas prices. Many of these families live long distances from their workplaces or drive many miles as part of their jobs. The recent rise in gas prices is causing these families to spend upwards of $600 per month on gasoline, which can be more than one-third of their household income after taxes, rent, and food. High gas prices, and the impacts they entail, are likely to persist for years.
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