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Moving America beyond gasoline before 2040


To accelerate America's transition from gasoline to electric vehicles through data and analysis, storytelling, policy, and partnerships.

Our Methods

About Coltura

Produce trail-blazing research on fuel consumption patterns and related demographics.

About Coltura

Shape the narrative on gasoline reduction through strategic communication to policymakers and consumers.

About Coltura

Build partnerships to implement effective gasoline reduction strategies.

About Coltura

Provide policy-makers and stakeholders with actionable data to optimize outcomes from EV deployment.

About Coltura

Create evidence-based policy pathways for an efficient transition from gasoline vehicles to cleaner alternatives.

What drives our work

Eliminating Gasoline Demand:
We advance state and federal policies ending sales of new gas-powered cars by 2030 and prioritizing the switch to EVs of the biggest gasoline users -- especially those who are low/middle income.

Restricting Gasoline Supply:
We identify the harmful impacts of gas stations and gasoline on neighboring communities and help people advocate for solutions.

Changing Gasoline Culture:
We curate and cultivate stories, art, music and social media to raise awareness of the health, climate and equity impacts of gasoline and diesel and mobilize demand for cleaner alternatives.


Affordable, efficient, and sustainable mobility and clean air for all Americans.

We achieve this through rigorous analysis, innovative policy solutions, and strategic partnerships.

Coltura leads the way with data-driven approaches to transportation transformation.

Coltura's Impact

Since 2015, Coltura has made a significant impact on gasoline policy and culture

Building and leading diverse coalitions, Coltura has been a driving force in gasoline reduction policies, including:

  • a 2035 gasoline car phaseout mandate in California; 
  • a Washington law setting a 2030 target for new light duty vehicles to be electric and mandating all-of-government planning to achieve that target; 
  • a Washington study of gasoline superusers being used to determine that state’s EV incentive policy; 
  • a California bill that would have provided an added EV incentive to lower-income gasoline superusers; 
  • and a Vermont law enabling a utility to incentivize superusers to switch to EVs.

Coltura’s groundbreaking research, data tools, polls, articles, reports, papers and law review articles have laid the foundation for innovative policies around the country.

From the first ever children’s storybook about the harms of gasoline to a gasoline-breakup music video to performance art to social media campaigns, Coltura uses multiple approaches to change the culture and narratives around gasoline.

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