Rob Sargent, Policy Director

Policy Director
Rob Sargent serves as strategic advisor on campaigns to expedite the deployment of local solar, energy storage, and the electrification of transportation and buildings. He spent more than three decades overseeing successful state and national campaigns to win strong clean energy and climate policies. For more than 20 years, he directed clean energy and climate programs for Environment America and U.S.PIRG.
Rob has authored and co-authored many reports, including; We Have the Power: 100% Renewable Energy for a Clean, Thriving America; The Way Forward on Global Warming: Reducing Carbon Pollution Today and Restoring Momentum for Tomorrow by Promoting Clean Energy, Renewables on the Rise: A decade of progress toward a clean energy future, Wind Power to Spare: The Enormous Energy Potential of Atlantic Offshore Wind; Making Sense of Energy Storage: How Storage Technologies Can Support a Renewable Future, and Electric Buildings: How to Repower Where We Live, Work and Learn with Clean Energy. He is a 1982 graduate of the University of Vermont.