100% Zero – Solutions to Achieve Universal Zero-Emission Vehicle Adoption

About This Report
This report resulted from a convening with regulators, advocates, experts, and other stakeholders in California’s zero emission vehicle industry, organized by UC Berkeley School of Law’s Center for Law, Energy and the Environment (CLEE) and sponsored by Coltura. Funding for this report is generously provided by Energy Foundation.
This report and its recommendations are solely a product of the UC Berkeley School of Law and do not necessarily
reflect the views of all individual convening participants, reviewers, Coltura or Energy Foundation.
About CLEE
The Center for Law, Energy & the Environment (CLEE) channels the expertise of the Berkeley Law community into pragmatic policy solutions to environmental and energy challenges in California and across the nation. CLEE works with government, business, and communities on initiatives that focus on reducing greenhouse gas emissions, advancing the transition to renewable energy, and ensuring clean water for California’s future.