March 2022 Gasoline Phaseout News

The War in Ukraine – New Urgency to Move Beyond Gasoline
Russia’s war in Ukraine and the spike in gasoline prices reveal the enormous dangers and costs of relying on gasoline to fuel our nation’s transportation system. We cannot be a free people if we can maintain our mobility only by paying tens of billions of dollars every year to violent foreign dictators, and if our economy and way of life can be thrust into chaos at the whim of a despot.
This war, for all the destruction and suffering it has caused, is providing an opportunity for a new transportation system to emerge fueled by locally-produced, clean, and inexpensive renewable energy. The forces propelling the move beyond gasoline are aligned as never before, creating new opportunities to build powerful coalitions for a gasoline-free America that cross ideological, income, and geographical boundaries.
Coltura advocates for the most aggressive and feasible policies to quickly end reliance on gasoline. Our policy recommendations are gaining momentum throughout the country as the urgency to move beyond gasoline grows.