Coltura’s Gasoline Superusers report identified millions of lower-income families who use more than 100 gallons of gasoline per month who are struggling under the burden of today’s high gas prices. Many of these families live long distances from their workplaces or drive many miles as part of their jobs. The recent rise in gas prices is causing these families to spend upwards of $600 per month on gasoline, which can be more than one-third of their household income after taxes, rent, and food. High gas prices, and the impacts they entail, are likely to persist for years.
The good news is that a new EV is a cost-effective solution, even for drivers of older vehicles. For virtually everyone using 100 or more gallons of gasoline per month, it is less expensive on a monthly cash flow basis to buy a new EV than to continue driving a gas car.
Coltura has identified several policy approaches that can help people switch to EVs more quickly and economically. For example, governments can provide down payment assistance to help gasoline superusers transition now to EVs. This would provide lasting relief from gasoline (and maintenance) costs and would be highly effective in reducing overall gasoline consumption and carbon emissions.
See how much assistance you could receive using Coltura’s ZEV Incentive Calculator.