September 2023 Gasoline Phaseout News
Making a Smart Move Smarter: Focusing California’s Low Income EV Rebate Program On The Most Gasoline-Burdened Families
California is shifting its EV rebate programs to focus solely on lower-income drivers in an effort to get EVs where they’re needed most.
This is a great start. The EV market is maturing, and EV demand often exceeds supply in California, so there is no longer an acute need to incentivize wealthier drivers to get an EV. Targeting EV incentives to low-income drivers will provide critical assistance in covering often-high down payments on EVs and create health benefits since lower-income communities are most harmed by vehicle emissions.
With a small tweak, this program could be even better. Targeting these EV rebates to low-income drivers who are also using the most gasoline would ensure that the rebates go to drivers who are suffering the biggest financial impacts of gasoline expenses. And it would maximize the pollution and emissions reductions impact of each EV.

Graphic based on California statewide data analyzed by Coltura