May 2023 Gasoline Phaseout News
Gasoline Superuser Analysis Generates Media Buzz
The approach of prioritizing the biggest gasoline users (“superusers”) for the switch to EVs is buzzing in the media. Coltura co-executive director Janelle London was interviewed for a San Francisco’s News Radio (CBS Affiliate) segment that gave listeners an important breakdown on how low-income and rural areas carry a disproportionate burden when it comes to the cost of getting around and paying fluctuating gasoline prices, emphasizing why it’s so important to target EV policies to benefit these populations.
A feature in the Los Angeles Daily News focused on Coltura’s work on AB1267– a California bill to increase incentives to get gasoline superusers in low-income communities into EVs.
The Orange County Register and 10 other California papers featured Coltura’s interactive gasoline data map – giving readers an overview of how they can access granular data about EV ownership rates, concentrations of gasoline superusers, percent of household income spent on gasoline, how much gasoline drivers in the area is using, and more.
Grist– a national news outlet focused on climate coverage– published an important article highlighting Coltura’s groundbreaking research on gasoline superusers in California and its implications nationwide. In the piece, Janelle London underscores the reality that families below the median income, who make up the majority of superusers, bear the greatest burden of dependence on gasoline-powered vehicles. “The only way we’re going to solve this near-term problem is to get the biggest gasoline users to switch to EVs, like, now, as soon as possible,” she said.