September 2018 Gasoline Phaseout News

Coltura and Sierra Club Host Panel at San Francisco Climate Summit on Global Strategies to Phase Out Gas Cars
Coltura and the Sierra Club will present a panel of international leaders to share their countries’ experience with phasing out gasoline and diesel passenger vehicles in San Francisco on September 12 in conjunction with the Global Climate Action Summit. After a panel discussion led by Sierra Club executive director Michael Brune, panelists and attendees will strategize next steps for an international phaseout movement to accelerate the end of gasoline-powered vehicles.
Key issues to be covered will include:
1) Why is phasing out gasoline vehicles a preferred decarbonization policy option, and how soon can we get to a phaseout?
2) How can nations and powerful sub-nationals such as California cooperate to achieve earlier and more widespread phaseouts?
3) What are the key next steps to advance the global phaseout movement, and how will we ensure they happen?