April 2023 Gasoline Phaseout News

Superuser Bills Advance in California and Vermont
A pioneering bill that would advance Gasoline Superusers’ conversion to EVs is moving through the California legislature. AB 1267, authored by Assemblymember Phil Ting (D-San Francisco), would add a new EV incentive for Gasoline Superusers and prioritize lower-income Superusers.
The bill is gathering bipartisan support as it moves through the legislative process. The Assembly Transportation Committee passed it 15-0 on March 28, and the Natural Resources Committee passed it 11-0 on April 11. The bill now heads to the Assembly Appropriations Committee.
Coltura is the organizational sponsor of the bill. A growing coalition of supporters includes Green Latinos, Coalition for Clean Air, CALSTART, EV Hybrid Noire, Breathe California, Valley CAN, Plug In America, The Climate Center, Acterra, ZEV 2030, Silicon Valley Youth Climate Action, Elders Climate Action Nor Cal, Sunrise Silicon Valley and various 350 chapters.
In Vermont, a bill enabling the Burlington Electric Department to create new incentives to help the most gasoline-burdened drivers to switch to electric vehicles passed the Senate on April 4th. If enacted, the bill would authorize the nation’s first incentives specifically for Gasoline Superusers.
Darren Springer, General Manager, Burlington Electric Department, had this to say:
“Burlington Electric is looking forward to utilizing new authority in S.137 that, if enacted, would enable our programs to focus additional funds on customers who have a larger energy burden or who currently use a large amount of fossil fuels for commuting. It would bolster our incentive programs in a meaningful way and allow us to continue to innovate.”
We’ll be working with our state partners, including the Vermont Public Interest Research Group to help advance the bill through the House.