A budget item in Washington State

Coltura’s work in Washington State has paid off! On March 25, 2022, Washington State Governor Jay Inslee signed into law a bill setting a date of 2030 for all new cars registered in the state to be electric. The measure, known as Clean Cars 2030, sets the most aggressive state target in the U.S. for the phaseout of gasoline cars – a full five years ahead of California’s 2035 deadline – and establishes an interagency council tasked with creating a plan for achieving the 2030 target. Coltura led the effort to get this bill introduced and led the coalition that helped pass it.
Passed as part of “Move Ahead Washington,” a nearly $17 billion transportation package, Clean Cars 2030 will spur public and private investment in EVs and EV charging infrastructure and help Washingtonians save money on vehicle fuel and maintenance while enjoying cleaner air and water.
“The war in Ukraine and the burden of high gas prices on families demonstrate the importance of ending our dependence on gasoline and preparing for an all-electric transportation future,” said Matthew Metz, co-executive director of Coltura, a nonprofit focused on phasing out the use of gasoline. “By targeting 2030 as an end date for the sales of gasoline cars in Washington, Clean Cars 2030 gives confidence to consumers, automakers, utilities, investors, and others that now is the time to go all-in on an all-EV future.”
“Clean Cars 2030 outlines a clear path forward for the future of the electric vehicle transition in our state,” said Senator Marko Liias. “This part of our Move Ahead Washington plan will create a timeline with the data, tools, and guidelines that every sector from governments to businesses can plan for with confidence. This is a monumental step towards reducing our carbon emissions in Washington, and I’m proud that Washington is once again a leader in addressing the climate crisis.”
“Clean Cars 2030 puts Washington on the road to powering its vehicles with cheap, clean, renewable electricity produced in-state and reduces the threat that oil and gasoline pose to our air, water, health, and economy,” said Representative Nicole Macri, who first introduced the measure in 2020.
Research commissioned by Coltura and conducted by Yale University, George Mason University, and Climate Nexus found 55 percent of voters nationally support a full phaseout of gasoline cars starting in 2030. Bolstered by its success in Washington, Coltura is leading coalitions working to pass similar Clean Cars 2030 measures in other states. Earlier this month a Clean Cars 2030 bill was introduced in the Rhode Island legislature.
Clean Cars 2030 will:
- Put Washington on the road to powering its vehicles with locally-produced electricity that is cleaner and cheaper than gasoline.
- Spur a comprehensive planning process for Washington to get ready for 100% vehicle electrification.
- Clarify for local governments, automakers, charging companies, utilities, investors, landlords, and workplaces the direction of the state’s EV market.
- Incentivize private-sector investment in new EVs and charging stations.
- Increase opportunities for Washingtonians to save money on gasoline.
- Reduce the cost and uncertainty of dependence on foreign sources of oil.
- Reduce carbon emissions and air pollution and the threat they pose to air, water, and health.
Coltura began working on Clean Cars 2030 in 2017. Beginning in 2019-2020, Coltura spearheaded a diverse coalition of more than 25 organizations that successfully advocated for the passage of the Clean Cars 2030 bill in Washington State. The coalition included leading environmental, social justice, and faith groups across the state. The 2030 date established in the bill for the transition away from gasoline vehicles also attracted the support of the automotive and business community.
Electric cars already perform better than gas cars and are way less expensive to operate.
We already have all the technology we need for a clean Washington-powered future. We just need to deploy it with the certainty that the market is going all-electric.
Clean Cars 2030 will allow everyone to plan and invest with confidence in a 100% clean, Washington-powered transportation future.
Background On Clean Cars 2030
Clean Cars 2030 was inspired by plans in eight countries to phase out gas cars by 2030. Coltura was the first organization in the United States to advance gas car phaseout policies.
Clean Cars 2030 was first introduced as part of the 2020 legislative session by Rep. Nicole Macri as HB 2515. The bill advanced to a successful hearing in the House Transportation Committee in the short 2020 legislative session. In 2021, the bill passed the legislature, but was vetoed by Gov. Inslee due to an unwanted amendment attached to it.